GetQuorum Platform Update: New RSVP Feature

­Since inception, GetQuorum has always strived to make AGMs as easy as possible for property managers and owners alike. As such, we are happy to announce the new RSVP feature, which will be integrated into our existing services.

The RSVP feature will enable owners to RSVP to a meeting through our platform. Owners who have RSVP’d will only receive one reminder email the day before the meeting with the option to submit their vote online if they aren’t able to make it after all.

A screenshot of an e-mail notice with the new RSVP feature is attached below. If an owner wishes to RSVP, all they’ll need to do is click the “Attending the meeting? Click here to RSVP” link below the blue button.

E-mail Notice with RSVP Feature

The owner would then receive a confirmation window showing that their RSVP has been confirmed. But of course, because we are huge proponents of ensuring an owner’s vote is counted just in case they aren’t able to make it, we still give owners the option to electronically submit their proxy vote. Note: Owners are free to re-vote in-person at the meeting even if they’ve submitted a vote beforehand.

RSVP Confirmation Notification

The RSVP feature is fully functional and has already been implemented into any running campaigns. And as always, Property Managers can access the list of attendees from the GetQuorum dashboard.

GetQuorum Manager's Dashboard

If you have more to say about the new RSVP feature, feel free to contact us here. We’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions.