GetQuorum’s 2020 Year in Review

Heading into 2020, the team here at GetQuorum were optimistic with aspirations of innovating and continuing to make our service the very best it could be for our clients. Little did we know that 2020 would be such a transformational year for us and every one of our clients, friends and family members.

The pandemic’s initial impact on GetQuorum was grave, and we had very little choice but to pivot to virtual meetings. With the help of our trusting clients, we tried hosting a few virtual AGMs.

Then a few more.

And then A LOT more.

By the end of the year, we expect to have hosted nearly 800 virtual AGMs for our clients. To support this, our team of nine grew to over thirty. Along the way, there were many accomplishments and learning opportunities. Here are a few of the ones that mattered most for both our customers and us:

GetQuorum Awarded the 2020 ACMO Associate of the Year

As it’s judged by our largest group of clients, being the recipient of this honour is perhaps the highlight of our year. We’re very proud to have received this recognition, and to have had the chance to work with such fantastic partners. Without them, none of this would be possible.

GetQuorum x ZOOM Partnership

GetQuorum leverages the Zoom platform for our virtual meeting service. After months of hard work, we are excited to announce that GetQuorum has been accepted into Zoom’s Partner program. More details on what this means and how it will change our service in 2021 will be coming soon. All to say, we expect that our deepening integration with Zoom will ensure our clients have the very best experience when using our services. This digital experience is critical to us and we’re looking forward to optimizing it in new and exciting ways.

Capacity and Accessibility

One of the greatest challenges of our 2020 pivot to digital meetings was managing our capacity and accessibility. It took a great deal of time and effort to build both the technology and team that was capable of meeting the demand from our clients.

We were facing the unfortunate need to turn away many of our long-time clients, something we found incredibly difficult and hope to never have to do again. Thankfully, we’ve solved our capacity issues and are now capable of hosting dozens of meetings every night. We’ve also made our pricing more accessible for smaller clients.

New Friends and Clients

It wasn’t just condos in Ontario that we worked with this year. We broke new ground, and made lots of new friends in Florida, Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina. In fact, many of our early virtual meeting customers were mostly associations, regulatory bodies and trade associations. We also expanded to host several corporate shareholder AGMs as well as meetings for nonprofits, charities, golf clubs, and other organizations.

All in all, it was indeed an exciting year for GetQuorum. So what does 2021 hold in store? Well, we’re not sure. We know that virtual meetings and electronic voting will continue to be in demand, though we expect to see some customers go back to in-person or hybrid meetings. One thing is for certain though: All of our resources are focused on innovating and providing our clients with the very best service we can.


Ben, JJ, Trevor, and the whole GetQuorum team