Enhancements to Live Voting Restrictions - Subgroup Voting

As part of our commitment to provide our growing client base with the best possible service, GetQuorum is pleased to announce a new platform enhancement - Subgroup Voting.

What is Subgroup Voting?

Subgroup Voting allows us to set voter eligibility on a question-by-question basis. The implementation of Subgroup Voting allows us to better accommodate the needs of our clients who have unique or more complex voter eligibility requirements.

When would you use Subgroup Voting?

Subgroup Voting will be used in various scenarios where voter eligibility will vary on a question-by-question basis, such as an Annual General Meeting (AGM) where attendees hold different classes of shares or membership levels. To put in perspective when Subgroup Voting may be used, let's take a look at the examples below:

Example 1 - Condo / HOA:
As mentioned, GetQuorum's new Subgroup Voting feature will allow us to seamlessly facilitate voting when only a specific group of attendees are eligible to vote on a particular matter. Examples of situations where voter eligibility could vary question-by-question during a governance meeting includes; when there is an owner-occupied director election in Ontario, sub-associations in Florida, building blocks or any other possible variations that can impact voter eligibility on specific matters.

In these cases, Subgroup Voting would be used to ensure that votes specific to certain attendees will only be presented to those specific attendees, as indicated by the meeting facilitator.

Example 2 - Associations:
Many national associations have multiple chapters, districts or other groupings and require restricted voting on matters based on factors such as membership location or membership levels.

When a vote that pertains to a specific group of attendees needs to be conducted, Subgroup Voting will make managing these requirements and facilitating these votes simple without compromising the ability to provide instant results.

Example 3 - Corporate Shareholders:
Many of our corporate clients often have various classes of shares that may have corresponding restrictions on voting. The implementation of Subgroup Voting will allow us to accommodate these requirements and facilitate votes accordingly.

Subgroup Voting will also allow us to instantly collect voting results and integrate them with advance proxy votes; this will enable us to provide in-depth reporting on voting results by share class, an imperative component of many post-reporting meetings.

What does Subgroup Voting look like for the Voter?

When Subgroup Voting is used, such as in the scenarios shown above, the interface of GetQuorum's voting platform will inform the voter if they are ineligible to vote.

From the voter's perspective, eligible voters would be presented with the question to vote on. However, those ineligible to vote would receive a message on their voting app indicating they're not eligible to vote on the matter, as seen in the image below:

If you have any questions about Subgroup Voting and how it can help your AGM run more efficiently, please reach out to us today.